“Enabling Success”


Always Speak Out!

What is whistle blowing?

Reporting anything wrong – morally, financially, ethically or otherwise not anything in line with known and stated policy of the network or guidelines of ministry of education and sports.

How do I know if something is violating the policy?

Don’t worry about this – report if it appears to you as violation of policies.

What do I gain by reporting?

Peace of Mind – You would have ensured your school network is safe and growing in the right direction. Also note if the whistleblowing has helped the network – you are likely to receive #service award.

How do I report it?

You can send an email to dasdirectors@gmail.com or send a SMS/WhatsApp to 0705-786-685.

Can I be anonymous? Will my identity be protected?

Yes, your identity will be fully always protected.

Will I be asked to testify or prove my complain?

No, your role is to report / whistle blow – it is for the concerned person to investigate or act on the issues.