Director’s Biography

Ritesh K Mishra is the Promoter – Director of New Dreams Education- Dream Africa Schools.
Before moving up the ladder, Ritesh was Country Director for Dream Africa Schools, turning a mere idea of affordable high-quality schools in Uganda into a real vibrant & viable network of 14 schools thus enabling success for more than 6000 students across 6 districts in Kampala.
Ritesh has been responsible for all of the company’s strategic, educational, and operation efficiency in his role and he has played a key role in the continued growth and vertical consolidation since its inception.
Prior to joining Dream Africa Schools, Ritesh has done extensive work on educational research, co-authoring series of learning materials for nursery, primary and secondary classes. Earlier he was founding managing director for an Ed Tech company, Director Operations for a leading chain of kindergarten, and avid corporate executive at a leading fortune 500 company.
Ritesh has been a “Teach for All – Teach for India” fellow, wherein he worked as a teaching fellow in a municipal corporation school in western India and focused himself in creating effective classrooms, impactful lesson plans and creative teaching. In his stint he discovered his passion for education and a deep sense of urgency for need of having high quality schools – where learning is not only for the privileged but also for those who aspire yet find it unaffordable.
As promotor and director, Ritesh believes that Dream Network Schools need to emphasize on 21st Century learning. It is important to bring Education technology and establish digital footprint. Furthermore, we must aspire to add AI & VR to our portfolio to make it contemporary Centre of educational excellence.
In his personal space Ritesh is a keen follower of contemporary world politics, issues of poverty alleviation & economic empowerment are often very dear to him. Ritesh comes from a family of teachers and school administrators, being at schools teaching & learning therefore comes naturally to him! His better half, Nidhi is a finance officer and avid artiest and together they parent a beautiful little daughter “Aadya”.