Category: Online
The management and staff of Dream Africa Schools Uganda, Congratulate their Candidates and Parents of 2020 for excellent Performance. Join Our Live Zoom Online Classes Now! For Nursery to P.6 Call/WhatsApp: 0776888846/0758803678 To Enroll Today! Please Share:
How to download Google classroom on Smart Phone , Download and Upload the works are done – Students V3
Google Classroom has an app for both Android and iOS that you can download to your smartphone or tablet. With it, you can do some of the things you can do through a Web browser, but not everything.
P6 Parents
P6 Parents, UNEB has now released the results and DAS has an astounding 87 first divisions! A lot of this has to do with total cooperation from our P7 parents. Now it is your turn to get ready for PLE 2021!Unfortunate part is our current candidates have not learnt much in their P6 except one proper…